Text Box: The Post Polio Support Group of Maine is a private, non-profit 501 [c] (3) organization.  We offer the latest information on the late effects of polio to more than nine hundred polio survivors, their families, and health care providers throughout Northern New England and parts of Canada.  Support comes from our members, donations from the public, and from a grant furnished by the Pine Tree Society.  For more information, contact us at:
The Post Polio Support Group of Maine
c/o 674 Hallowell-Litchfield Road
West Gardiner, Maine 04345
Phone: (207) 724-3784 
Text Box: Inside this issue:
Text Box: The Post Polio 
Support Group Of Maine

Special Seminar Issue

Polio Update


Text Box: Rick Meade, Editor

This year, our Annual Conference is around the theme Helping to Make Life Easier and More Enjoyable.  It will be

jammed packed with all types of information for you, your family and friends.


Are you wondering about any of these?

       •Helping your aged parents;

       •Looking for ways to help yourself  

                 remain in your home;

      •Whether to make changes in your


       •What agencies are out there that

                 may have services for you;

      •The new Medicare or Maine RX                 

                 prescription coverages;

      •What post-polios should eat to be


      •How to retrofit your home to be

                 more accessible;

      •What is available for home health


      •What and how to list important in-

                 formation for the family;

      •How to prepare a Living Will or

                 Power of Attorney;

      •Types of recreational activities that

                 are adaptable for you;

       •Transportation services that are

                available for routine and spec-

                ial trips;

       •How to talk with family members

                about health/aging issues.


We’ll have the opportunity to hear and talk with representatives from a variety of organizations.   As of press time, we anticipate having people from AARP, Maine Handicap Skiing, Maine General

Hospital, Area Agency on Aging, Community Action Programs, Regional Transportation services, and Androscoggin Home Health.


Here are just three of our many participants: 

•Jackie Robillard of Maine General Hospital is a dietician with many years of experience treating those with special needs.  She’ll be talking about general nutritional needs, special nutritional needs for us, and techniques to eat what we should without gaining weight. 

•Rhonda Jordan of Androscoggin Home Health is looking forward to meeting with us and talking about various home health care programs that are available throughout the state. 

•Katie Demanche is with Maine Handicap Skiing, which offers no-cost recreational activities, such as skiing, canoeing, golf, cycling and kayaking with adaptations geared to individual needs.


Please turn to the special seminar insert in this edition for more information and the registration form.

Date, Agenda Set for

2004 Annual Conference

September Conference News


Fatigue and Post Polio


Famous Polio People


PPSGM Co Founder Tells His Story


My New Set of Wheels


Conference Info and

Registration Form
